Bethnal Green Nature Reserve - Opening Hours 2024

2pm – 5pm Saturdays

11th May - 30th November 2024

The Bethnal Green Nature Reserve is open for everyone to explore each Saturday across the Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. Come and forage from the medicine garden, enjoy spotting newts swimming in our ponds, bird watch in the woodland, and peek for mushrooms in the mycelium farm.

Weekday Schedule 2024

The Nature Reserve is hub for learning and wellbeing throughout the week with several local organisations in residence.

Mondays: Rangers Kindergarten Forest School
Rangers Kindergarten Forest School
Mission GP Practice Social Prescribing
Stephen Hawking School Nature Club
Praxis Wellbeing Classes, Forest Friday After-school Club

Please get in touch if you would like more information when planning your visit

©2024 Bethnal Green Nature Reserve Trust