DJ Simpson

DJ Simpson is a contemporary artist who was inspired by the non-human architecture found across the Bethnal Green Nature Reserve, such as nests, hives and dreys. Across the Summer & Autumn of 2017, Simpson developed a site responsive artwork designed to specifically accommodate a population of Pipistrelle bats, already existing within the Reserve. The wooden structure is painted black to maximise heat gain, including multiple internal roosting cavities and nursery chambers to encourage breeding populations. This commission is part of our on-going work to support and enhance local biodiversity for the benefit of both human and wildlife communities. We officially launch this commission in May 2018 and the sculpture has since become a home for a community of Pipistrelle bats. The sculpture will remain within the Phytology site as a permanent installation. Commissioned by Nomad Projects. Supported by Arts Council England.

Arts Council England

©2025 Bethnal Green Nature Reserve Trust